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Gov. Mbah, Ikeje And Fifth Columnists At Work


From Chekwube Adaani

With the conclusion of the 2023 general elections, subsequent swearing- in of the winners and forming of the new governments, many politicians and their  supporters were dislocated, while others were elevated. 

  Mostly affected by this usual development in politics in Enugu State are the opposition members, particularly Labour Party members from Enugu North Senatorial zone, who lost  the governorship election to PDP and have remained embittered and fixated. 

    It is of note that majority of the people, who are parading themselves as Labour Party members in Enugu North Senatorial zone today are aggrieved and disgruntled PDP members, who jumped into Labour Party unprepared after losing out in the PDP primaries, hoping to ride on Mr. Peter Obi's presidential ambition to get power. 

   Unfortunately for them, they couldn't have their way in the governorship election in Enugu State with Barr. Peter Ndubuisi Mbah of PDP's victory at the poll, following PDP members' resilience and concerted efforts. Since after the election and swearing in of Governor Mbah, these hired and compromised social media gossipers, bandits, fifth columnists, meddlesome interlopers, rumourmongers, sadists and narcissists have been busy conjuring, spreading and sharing all sorts of lies, libel, malice and propaganda on social media platforms, aimed at pitching major PDP leaders, which include Ex Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi, Governor Peter Ndubuisi Mbah and Hon. Ikeje Asogwa against each other to cause crisis in PDP and the state. 

   These busy bodies have been spreading dangerous and unsolicited rumours and lies about the relationships between them before, during, and after the election and swearing in. They started with fake news they published in a known online Nsukka Labour Party's news blog called that Ikeje Asogwa angrily threatened and collected back from the ex Governor the money he gave him to give Governor Mbah for support, which the ex Governor didn't deliver. Reading through the concoction they published, one needs no soothsayer to know that there is no iota of truth in it, because neither Ikeje nor the ex Governor or any other reliable and verifiable person was quoted in the story as required by the ethics of journalism profession. 

   Seeing and realizing that their mischievous and malicious wiles didn't achieve their insidious goal, which is bringing Ikeje and his ex boss at loggerhead or dagger drawn, these social media merchants of lies upped their games and changed tactics with another blatant lie on  whatapps platforms that Ikeje gave Governor Mbah huge money for election support and Mbah since being sworn in into office has stopped picking Ikeje's calls and blocked him from seeing him. Haba, what a tale by moonlight, fairytale, and figment of imaginations of these social media hirelings. 

   Obviously, the patterns and languages of lies and propaganda by these mischievous social media charlatans are the same. Their major aim and that of their sponsors is to create enmity between Ikeje and Mbah and Ikeje and Ex Governor Ugwuanyi on the other hand so that PDP will be crisis-ridden in the state. 

    Findings had since revealed that Ikeje Asogwa is not in enmity, contention, and competition with Ex Governor Ugwuanyi and Governor Mbah as being spewed on social media platforms by these mischief makers and fifth columnists mainly from Nsukka extraction. 

    There is no evidence anywhere and nobody including those behind the trending social media falsehood have shown any incontrovertible evidence to the effect that Ikeje gave Governor Mbah and Ugwuanyi money and they are quarreling over it after the elections. IKeje is a benefactor of Sullivan Chime, Ugwuanyi, and Governor Mbah. Since emerging in the political scene, Ikeje has remained and is a loyal PDP member and leader, in Enugu State, who has played various prominent roles in ensuring the party's unity and successes in the state.

   There is no love lost between Ikeje, Mbah and Ex Governor Ugwuanyi and by extension other PDP leaders and members in Enugu State as being bandied on social media by the enemies of PDP and Mbah's government in the state. The PDP leaders and members are solidy in support of Mbah's government as loyal, dependable and committed party members. 

    It is time the fifth columnists and enemies of Mbah's government and those who are envious of Ikeje's political  profile and exploits should allow him to be because no amount of falsehood, lies and blackmail will pitch him against Mbah, Chime, Ugwuanyi and other PDP leaders, members and stakeholders in the state.

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