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One love foundation urges online news media to maintain fair reportage of issues and praises the professionalism of Npf pro.Officer muyiwa adejobi.

 Press release:

One love foundation urges online news media to maintain fair reportage of issues and praises the professionalism of Npf pro.Officer muyiwa adejobi.

Our group, One Love Foundation is an NGO commited to the promotion, defence of human rights, equality of all citizens and justice for everyone all over the world.

As a group we are deeply concerned about different narrative and stories going about on social media and online platforms about the hardworking and press friendly  Nigeria Police Force’s Public Relations Officer (FPRO), Muyiwa Adejobi, who  has and being accused of abuse of power by different news medium platform,with the most prominent one of them being fij online news report recently.

The report has it that certain  Commuters,with name as  Samuel Oluwatosin Ige, Ayomide Taiwo and Temitope Yusuf Akinigan.

The news story with names above  as reported by  fij online news,and  produced verbatim here  have it that  thus: That on the fatefull day sometime in July 2022 ,that the Nigeria police force pro,Officer muyiwa adejobi ,who was also stuck in traffic .That commuters on the said road were creating space while others drove ahead. That It was a usual traffic issue that would stop drivers and cars on the road. That the aforementioned person's  above got to the place on road  with there car ,where they were to manoeuvre around the faulty truck in order to get to the main road in Akala of oyo state.

“On getting to that point, that they saw a car that was not ready to give them a sign as they approached.That  the driver of the car ought to give them a  chance to go so that they could have some space to move on as well. But he ignored them”

That the friends turned off their car engine because of the gridlock caused by the other car,who they suspected to be officer muyiwa adejobi. Who was calm and was patiently waiting in his car for the traffic to clear up.That they considered it a normal issue that happens on the road. At some point, they considered leaving the car on the road to return later but ditched the idea.

That they never even got into any argument or any fight. Nobody was ready to give way for the other. They wound there windows up and remained in the car looking at each other. The man in the other car came down from the car, brought out his phone,who incidentally was Mr muyiwa adejobi, That they did not know who he was,” as news reported.

Fij news futher have it that commuters and 

Onlookers on road tried to dissuade the mr muyiwa adejobi from calling the police to make an arrest,as  FIJ news learnt, and police officers arrived about 15 minutes after the phone call to round the three friends up.

From all the above, one love foundation, an ngo and in strict reliance to 

Section 16 of the Oyo State Road Traffic Management Authority Law 2009 as amended which partly stipulates that the authority shall foster partnerships among the government, local authorities, the private sector and civil society organizations to raise awareness to improve road safety,”

It has become very imperative and important to state, that after a carefull independent  analysis and discreet investigation by our media team on this matter. We wish to react as follows.

1. First the Nigeria police force pro,Mr muyiwa adejobi has fundamental human rights and where perceived crimes has been commited against road users and where commuters are in breach of oyo state road management authority regulations, he can as matter of first choice report such to any authorities for prompt investigation and prosecution in that regard. As an ngo, we seriously wonder why the media trail by some online news medium to send a different narrative, other than what has truely transpired.

2.Secondly from the news report by the  fij online medium,is very clear  there are very sinister  attempt by the above suspects and commuters to push and send a false narrative of what actually transpired between parties ,and that one love foundation frowns at. As a foundations we have independently  investigated this matter and our interim findings, have it that though the above commuters were arrested, but it was never at the behest and on directive of Officer muyiwa adejobi. It was a routine investigation by police officers assigned on this matter and in line with constitutional provisions of charging suspects,who have commited a known traffic offence, where all promptly charged to court within 48hours.

3: Our discreet media  investigations reveal that the aforementioned commuters on the said day, from account of stories we have, were actually rowdy, unbehaved, and were actually breaching the public peace of commuters on the road at the said day. One of this person's,actually  boasted to be a big boy and n his words,an oyewole .who nothing can happen to. It was only imperative that officer muyiwa adejobi report the matter to a nearby police station  to save the situation not as a police officer, but as a private citizen. Who has his fundamental  rights also.

More importantly , one love foundation media team on mails and Facebook direct message  placed to the founder of fij news founder,fisayo soyombo. On whether officer muyiwa adejobi was given the benefit of fair hearing, on hearing his own side of his story, before publishing that of the commuters on fij news online  ,with the said commuters who have all promptly been charged to court has not yielded any success ,as the founder of fij online news in evidenced receipts of message and mails sent him, has after 24 hours failed to respond to any inquiry from one love foundation media team.

Further more we are not holding brief for officer muyiwa adejobi, we however  belief that it is important that the records are set straight and the proper narrative of events are what is being reported by online news in this era of fake news reporting.

Consequently we also aware that the above case of traffic offence against the aforementioned commuters is now subjudice and subject of litigation in a competent court of oyo state. So in this regard, and in line with the sacred principle of status quo urge all news and online medium on this matter, to maintain and give a fair reportage of this case without breaching the underlined principle of sub judice.

Lastly we urge fij news online to always verify information as sensitive as this above mentioned and give parties proper benefit of fair hearing, which is a constitutional provisions, before reportage of same.

As a body, one love foundation will keep monitoring developments in this case, and we should no that police officers like officer muyiwa adejobi , who has distinguished himself in service of Nigeria police force deserve all our encouragement at all time. We pray for a crime free Nigeria and better relationship in this regard. Thank you.


Markus Thomas

For:Head of media

One love love foundation

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